Memorial Day Event

On September 9th, iHelp brings our community together to commemorate Memorial Day in Afghanistan, a tribute to those who gave their lives in service to their country. On Memorial Day, we pay respects to the brave men and women from Afghanistan, including Canadian soldiers who fought and died in the war. This single annual event is a powerful way for us to acknowledge their sacrifices, honour their memories, and ensure that their legacies inspire future generations. By coming together on this day, we honour not only the fallen but also the resilience and strength of those who continue to serve, and the families who have made sacrifices alongside them.

The Memorial Day Event is a public gathering where everyone is welcome. The event includes speeches and presentations from guest speakers, including war veterans, who will pay tribute to the lost ones. There will be a moment of silence to honour their memory. Families who have lost loved ones will share their experiences, offering their personal perspectives on the impact of the war. This event also provides an opportunity for those who have lost loved ones to connect with others who have experienced similar losses. Additionally, our Memorial Event serves as an educational experience for community members to learn about the consequences of the war and gain a deeper understanding of its impact.

Our Connection to Afghanistan 

iHelp has a profound connection to Afghanistan, born out of our many projects in the region. Our ties with the Afghan community throughout Ontario and organizations like the Afghan Association of Waterloo have created a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. We are proud to partner with the Afghan Association of Waterloo, an organization that aligns with our values and dedication to empowering the Afghan community. This collaboration enables us to work together towards shared objectives, such as our Memorial Day Event, that creates a greater sense of community for all.

A Brief Look Back

We take great pride in our history of involvement in Afghanistan, where we have been fortunate enough to be part of numerous projects over the years. However, the evolving situation following the escalation of the war and the collapse of the government on August 15, 2021, led to our withdrawal, along with that of other international organizations and agencies. Despite this setback, our commitment to re-engaging with Afghanistan in the future remains. As such, our connection to Afghanistan is as strong as ever.